The happiness index: Is the UK onto something?
Companies are often slaves to irrelevant performance metrics. Despite recent criticisms, perhaps the UK has the right idea in developing a happiness i...
Do banks have something to hide?
Even experts have a hard time getting a handle on how bad losses might get as the commercial real estate market implodes.By Colin BarrThe banks have t...
US vs. UK: A history of love and hate
America's relationship with the U.K. has always been complicated. Start with the fact that our country was founded by religious fanatics who left Engl...
iPad is No. 3 holiday wish, after world peace/happiness and a laptop
One of Apple's (AAPL) public relations operatives e-mailed overnight to let me know that a Consumer Electronics Association survey -- one that put the...
每次我們試圖評估美國經濟的健康狀況時,通常都會看國民生產總值(Gross Domestic Product,GDP)等宏觀性數據。但最近幾年,越來越多的經濟學家們表示,GDP或許并不能完全反映個人狀況,也不能反映是什么改善了人們的生活。他們認為,或許需要制定專門反映幸福程度的新指標。所有這些或許聽起...
圖片來源:ASPHOTOWED—GETTY IMAGES芬蘭連續第七年被評為世界上最幸福的國家。今年3月20日發布的年度《世界幸福報告》(World Happiness Report)對140多個國家的近15萬人自我報告的幸福分數進行了排名。其他北歐國家也不甘示弱,躋身前十位,其中丹麥排名第二位,冰...
位于倫敦城(City of London,即倫敦金融區)的英國央行(Bank of England)和倫敦皇家交易所(Royal Exchange)的全景圖。圖片來源:VUK VALCIC/SOPA IMAGES/LIGHTROCKET VIA GETTY IMAGES英國投資銀行Peel Hunt...
Why fears of hyperinflation won't die
Deflation may be on Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's tongue, but inflation is wagging in at least one corner of the economy. Obscure books anal...
上周四公布的調查結果顯示,5月份,歐元區經濟復蘇力度稍有減弱,但仍有望出現三年來表現最好的一個季度。研究機構Markit公布,5月份,該機構的歐元區采購經理人指數(PMI)從54.0的三年高點微跌至53.9。美銀美林(Bank of America Merrill Lynch)分析師估算,這個數字對...